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Thursday, March 3, 2011

Sociology of Fashion

What sounds shallow, is true. People judge you on how you look and how you dress. What you wear can form impressions of yourself to others. Fashion structures society in a way. When you see a group of people together, they are mostly dressed in similar styles. Fashion plays a big role in the way people socialize with eachother. "People dress to please, to impress, to attract, to stand out, to protest, to conform, to kill... Truly, clothing is the most important of consumer goods when it comes to expressing one's personality, probably because it's so close to our person, followed by jewellery and similar accessories we keep close to our bodies."( If art is how an artist expresses himself, outfits must be how a person expresses themself to the world. The body is a shell that represents who we are. The way you dress is among the first characteristics people nitice in a person. While fashion is insignificant to many people, it surely does impact them no matter what they think. A woman with a simple white shirt and jeans will be judge differently than a woman with a pencil skirt and a colorful blouse. If you are in anyway a very social person that attends many social event, it would be understadable that fashion is key to succesful nights. What youre wearing can be conversation started, and ultimately you can meet new people.
"Those are some cute shoes!"
"Thanks! I got them at Macy's, half off!"
"Really? I need to go to Macy's and take advantage of that deal!"
...And the conversation goes on, you just met a new stranger and had a great converstion with them.

"Fashion and Consumption." Marquise. N.p., n.d. Web. 3 Mar 2011. <>.

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