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Sunday, March 20, 2011

Fashion and The Body.

Certain fashion trends aren't for everybody. Fashion trends are not "one size fits all" and can really make some people look ridiculous. The style a person chooses to have is highly dependant on that person's body type. Although some people do dare to dress in clothing that is not suited to them, most people tend to stay clear of clothing that will make them look bad. For example, women with wider thighs find it difficult to wear loose tops. Even if the person had a small waist, all people are going to see is a big top, with the big thighs.

Today the most sough after body shape is slim. A big factor that plays into why people want to be slim is fashion. Fashion trends are started by fashion industries and celebrities who are all very thin, causing fashion trends to be geared toward smaller figures. People want to have nice bodies to better participate in more fashion trends. "Low rider jeans on more "voluptous" females draw attention to the exessive weight in the stomach area rather than looking attractive or cool"(Oppliger, 11) Patrice Oppliger talk about fashion in her book and how some "bigger" girls cannot participate in some trends becaus eof their weight. This often is one of the causes for eating disorders. The pressure of the media and models often become stress to youn girls who seek to fit the image of slim and fashionable.

Many different factors are tied into fashion and clothing. Waistlines are very important in an outfit. Depending on were you position your waistline, you figure will look different. Fashion is like sculpting of the body in the way that you can give your self a shape by using certain items of clothing.

Th search for the perfect jeans is a never ending journey for many women. Jeans are labeled by style and size. If only it were that easy. Women don't only come in different sizes, but also different shapes. By limiting jean variation to size, clothing companies are making it difficult for many women to find a pair of jeans that flatters their body perfectly.

Necklines can really make a difference in an outfit. A V-neck shirt can make a neck look longer, while a scooped neck can make the cheat appear bigger. Like previously mentioned, fashion helps sculpt the body to a desired shape.

Oppliger, Patrice. Girls gone skank: the sexualization of girls in American culture. McFarland & Co Inc Pub, 2008. Print.

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